This training has been developed to provide guidance for dental therapists and oral health therapists to possess and administer unrestricted Schedule 4 Substances in the course of carrying out their clinical duties, in accordance with approved Oral Health Scheduled Substance Treatment Protocol (SSTPs).

This training is for all new or returning dental therapists and oral health therapists, including temporary and contracted staff.

Please note non-intranet version of the resource (eg. PDF) has been supplied for training purposes only. For accuracy and currency, the Intranet version is referenced as the up to date source.

External participants PDF links and access to NT Library (web-based) have been linked throughout the course for your visibility of content. Please ensure you have your NTG login details. It is also recommended that you are able to locate the Intranet sites when you are onsite with LAN/VPN access. 

This training is designed to take place in a peer-based learning setting and therefore should be conducted within clinical teams and peer groups, large or small. Alternatively, individuals may wish to complete online as self-paced individual learning and discuss with their manager.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the training modules contained within this guide, participants will have achieved the below outcomes.

Module 1: Roles and responsibilities

· Understand the legal and regulatory basis for medicines scheduling in Australia.

· Define the roles and responsibilities of dental therapists and oral health therapists in using scheduled medicines in the Northern Territory.

· Adhere to the conditions, including contraindications, exclusions and precautions relevant to certain Schedule 4 Medicines used in dental therapy and hygiene practice, as defined by the approved Scheduled Substance Treatment Protocol, including when engagement with a dental or medical officer must occur.

Module 2: Accessing medicines information

· Identify potential contraindications, interactions, precautions and monitoring requirements for the use of medicines in dental therapy and oral health therapy based on patient history.

· Navigate and interpret up to date medicines information and therapeutic guidance using electronic database systems and reference tools.

· Access consumer medicines information at the point of care.

· Search the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

· Apply principles of medication safety in respect of medicines used in dental therapy and hygiene practice in the Northern Territory.

· Based on patient history, identify red flags for possible contraindications and interactions when using schedule 4 medicines in dental therapy and hygiene practice.

Module 3: Local anaesthetics

· Understand the constituents of the different local anaesthetics used in dentistry and implications for patient safety during dental treatment.

· Recognise potential local and systemic complications of local anaesthetics.

Module 4: Calculating local anaesthetic doses

· Calculate safe local anaesthetic maximum dosages for adults and children.

· Identify physiological and medical situations which require additional consideration in the calculation of local anaesthetic maximum dosages.

Module 5: Antibiotic prophylaxis

· Understand the current basis for antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent infective endocarditis arising from dental treatment in susceptible individuals.

· Identify common dental procedures which are considered to be high risk for bacteraemia.

· Have knowledge of the conditions under which antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis can be administered by a dental therapist or oral health therapist in the Northern Territory in the course of providing dental treatment, and the necessary consultation and decision-making which must accompany the use of these medicines.

Module 6: Dental dressings

· Understand the conditions under which antibiotic and/or corticosteroid pulpal dressings can be used in the practice of dental therapy in the Northern Territory.

· Understand the relationship between the use of high risk anti-infective scheduled medicines and scope of practice for dental therapists and oral health therapists.

Module 7: Haemostatic agents

· Be aware of medical conditions which may be associated with an increased risk of bleeding in dental patients.

· Work within the appropriate scope of practice to uphold patient safety in respect of acquired or inherited bleeding disorders.

· Work within the multidisciplinary team to provide appropriate care for patients with acquired or inherited bleeding disorders.

· Understand the specific range of conditions under which dental therapists and oral health therapists may administer tranexamic acid as an adjunctive measure for haemostasis and the consultation and supervisory requirements for these cases.

Module 8: Communication and record-keeping

· Understand the potential for patient medicines to cause oral health problems or contribute to complications during dental procedures.

· Appreciate the role of dental therapists and oral health therapists in medication safety.

· Meet the requirements for documentation and record-keeping in respect of the use of medicines in dental therapy and oral health therapy.

· Understand the relevance of scope of practice to the use of medicines, including triggers for team communication, delegation, handover and referral within a multidisciplinary setting.

· Communicate with patients for medication safety.

· Engage patients and carers in treatment decisions relevant to medicines in dental practice.

· Communicate with multidisciplinary team members for medication safety.

· Communicate appropriate medicines information during transitions of care such as delegation, referral or handover of patient care.

· Take a best possible medication history.

· Be aware of the potential for medicine errors in dentistry and the role of medication reconciliation in minimising the potential for medicine-related harm.

· Understand the importance of adverse drug reactions and medication errors in dentistry and how to report them.

Module 9: Complex situations

· Recognise complex situations relevant to medication safety in dental practice.

· Access guidance and education for medicines management in complex situations.

· Understand the trigger points for consultation and referral of complex patients within the multidisciplinary team.

· Be aware of particular considerations needed in using medicines for dental treatments in children, the elderly, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, obesity and athletes.

· Access reference material at the point of care to check medicine safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding and communicate this to patients and carers.

· Be aware of potential medicine interactions with complementary medicines and the relevance to clinical dentistry.

· Understand the requirements of record-keeping in relation to the use of medicines in dental practice.

· Recognise medical emergencies in dental practice

· Understand the risks of antimicrobial resistance arising from dental practice and the role of dental practitioners in minimising antimicrobial resistance in individuals and the population.

· Understand the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and application to dental practice.

Module 10: Case studies

· Practically apply the above learning objectives in clinical scenarios.

· Engage in peer, team-based and/or reflective learning to build upon foundational knowledge for the use of medicines in dental therapy and oral health therapy.

Completion requirements

To complete this online eLearning package in full, you are required to:

  • undertake all 10 modules, however case studies in module 10 are optional. Participants are not required to complete all case studies (select 1 or 2)
  • complete all 9 assessment tasks

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Participants should consider this training to be a form of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and may wish to record their participation as part of their CPD records. This training is equivalent to 5 hours of CPD.

How to Enrol

If you cannot see the 'Enrol Now' please click here to enrol (you may need to log in).


Oral Health Training Coordinator
(08) 892 26416