Volatile Substances

Self enrolmentNTG enrolment

Volatile Substances in the health setting.

Target audience 

All NT Health staff providing direct client care and services to consumers. To be completed within 30 days of commencement and then bi-annually.


This course will include information about the following:

  1. What are volatile substances
  2. How and why are volatile substances misused
  3. What are the effects of volatile substance misuse
  4. Volatile substances and the law
  5. Care, Treatment and Harm Reduction


Volatile Substances Team, Alcohol and Other Drugs

Top End Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Services

Duration and delivery

1 Hour – Virtual

Completion requirements

  1. Volatile Substances Video
  2. Quiz Activity (with 100% pass mark)

Technical requirements

Internet access with audio (sound) capabilities.

How to enrol


Use the 'Enrol me' button located at the bottom of this page. If you cannot see the 'Enrol me' button at the bottom of this page, please CLICK HERE and re-check for the 'Enrol me' button at the bottom of this page. Clicking on the 'Enrol me' button will enrol you in the course and take you to the course homepage.

NTG Staff – login with your NTG LAN details. These are the same details you use to log onto your work computer.

Non-NTG Staff – login with your MyLearning account details or apply for a MyLearning account using the Application form for non-departmental staff.


For information regarding the course, contact:

Volatile Substances Team

p 08 8944 8288
e VSA.TEHS@nt.gov.au