The Trauma Ward Nursing module builds upon your knowledge of the pathophysiology and epidemiology of common trauma conditions of patients being admitted to hospital, as well as providing the opportunity to improve your clinical skills in key trauma related areas.

This program allows you to access contemporary trauma nursing knowledge that is specifically Australian in its context (developed by Australian nursing experts); to explore the range of trauma services available throughout Australasia and between rural and metropolitan locations and to be assessed on your knowledge and skill in trauma nursing in a supportive and collegial environment.

A focus of this program is to facilitate the sharing of participant knowledge, and to build this into discussion of the principles of trauma nursing.  Real life stories are used to make the main points.

As this intensive module is focused on developing your trauma skills, there is an expectation that you will have basic levels of competency in certain skills normally able to be learnt as part of professional development programs in most hospitals.

For example, we anticipate you are proficient in patient assessment, Basic Life Support and are familiar with the application and interpretation of common monitoring equipment, including pulse oximetry and non invasive blood pressure monitoring. 

Suitable participants include nurses working in surgical, neurosurgical and orthopaedic wards in metropolitan, regional and rural hospitals.

All enrolments are to be completed directly with CENA TNP (for further information contact CENA TNP email
or details on their website